Demo Day Sponsorship Tiers
For additional information on sponsorship tiers and content, please contact Sarah Hibbs-Shipp, Managing Director, Communications by email, or by phone 970-491-3176
Platinum Sponsorship - Presenting Sponsor(s)
1 Sponsorship ($10,000) OR
May be split by 2 sponsors ($7,500 each)
Availability of the shared sponsorship is dependent upon securing two sponsors.
Our Presenting Sponsor(s) will support the technology platform thus making the virtual or hybrid event possible.
Keynote: $6,000
One Sponsorship available.
Gold Sponsorship
Multiple sponsorships available at $5,000 each.
Poster Showcase
Startup Company Showcase
Seminars/Panel sessions
Networking session
Awards session
Silver Sponsorship: $3,000
Multiple sponsorship options available at $3,000 each
CSU Service Organizations Section
Student Professional Development Organizations Section
Full Sponsorship of a Demo Day Award (see Poster Showcase section for full list of awards)
Specialty Awards (4) Innovation in AR.VR, Innovation in Software, Excellence in Programmatic or Educational Outreach, Excellence in Interdisciplinary Human-Centered Design Thinking
College Awards (8) - Innovation in: Agricultural Sciences, Liberal Arts, Game Changer Award (College of Business/Institute for Entrepreneurship), Health & Human Sciences, Natural Sciences, Engineering, Natural Resources, Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences.
Full Sponsorship of the Company Showcase People’s Choice Award
Bronze Sponsorship
Multiple sponsorship options available at $any amount up to 1,000 each
Event operations (when in-person, contributes to the registration table, breakfast, afternoon snacks, co-sponsor of a Demo Day award, etc.)
Multiple sponsorships may be combined to put on a specific higher-dollar component, should available sponsorships remain (such as 2 sponsors being combined to host the Poster Showcase)
If no presenting sponsor is obtained, Bronze sponsorships will go to support the virtual platform/technology needs for a virtual/hybrid event.
Combination of sponsors will be done at CSURF discretion.