Abstract submission is CLOSED.
Submission Requirements
Demo Day 2021 will be a virtual event that requires 2 short video presentations and a poster. The video presentations are your opportunity to communicate the importance and impact of your research/project/program.
Your poster and pitch should address the following questions:
1. Problem: What is the problem?
2. Solution: How does your research solve the problem?
3. Innovation: What is different/innovative about your research/product/program that makes it better than other research/products/programs that are currently solving the problem?
4. Audience: Who is interested in your solution? For example, who would use your research/product/program, or who would purchase it if it was available commercially.
Please direct all questions to Sarah Hibbs-Shipp, Director of Outreach & Communications via email: sarah.hibbs-shipp@colostate.edu.
Preparing Your Submission Content
We will host a virtual session to discuss best practices in developing poster content and managing video content. The session will be recorded and made available for reference.
Communicating Your Innovation at Demo Day Seminar: Friday, April 2nd, 12:30-2 pm MDT
Showcase materials must be uploaded to the virtual platform between April 1 - April 15, 2021. The virtual platform will be structured similarly to what was used for CSU 2020 GradShow and the CSU College of Health & Human Sciences Research Day (both of which may be accessed below at csuinnovates.org).
Video Guidelines
You may record your videos using whatever technology you feel most comfortable using. We will provide a user-guide that walks you through using Microsoft Teams to record and edit videos.
30-second introduction video. This video is where you will introduce yourself and your research/project/program. This is a quick, streaming video to interest your audience and entice them to click the “Learn More” button to view your entire submission.
3-minute video. This video is where you will talk about the value and importance of your research/project/program to your audience. It is your opportunity to communicate your excitement about your content, its applications in the outside world, and how you believe it might benefit society.
Optional - <5 minute video. If you have a “product” that you can demonstrate through a video, i.e. someone using the product, VR applications may be recorded through the headset, demonstrating a computer program/interface, etc., you may upload an additional video to showcase the innovation in action.
Poster Guidelines
We are not requiring you to use a specific poster template for Demo Day. However, please ensure that your poster measures 36" x 48" (90cm x 121cm - landscape only for 2021, as this is the best fit for the platform view).
Poster design should follow standard rules for in-person poster sessions; readable by viewers three feet away. Use large print. A minimum font size of 32 point and a maximum of 600 words are recommended. The message should be clear and understandable without oral explanation.
The best posters will be closer to an infographic than a traditional academic research poster. Several examples of infographics and a few of our previous winners' posters are included below. Additional infographic examples and templates may be sourced from the web, an example of a template service is https://www.visme.co/make-infographics/.
Faculty, staff, and alumni will be judges. Judges are not required to identify themselves as a judge. All judges will use the same criteria to assess each poster within a given award category (see sample rubric below.) Scores for each poster will be summed. The poster with the highest sum in each applicable award grouping will win the award. Ties will be decided at the discretion of CSU Ventures staff based on judging comments. A poster may win only one award.
Day of Event Instructions:
The 2021 event will be virtual. Event activities, webinar/seminar links, and the schedule may be found under the 2021 tab.